Menopause Support for Employers

The symptoms of menopause can have a serious impact on women’s lives - and this doesn’t just mean at home. A survey by the Government Equalities Office found that 92% of women reported that these menopausal symptoms affected them at work, reporting they were less able to concentrate (72%), and experienced increased stress (70%) and a loss of confidence (67%)*

There is increasing need for organisations to provide more support for their staff, including providing access to specialist menopause information and advice.

We have extensive experience in teaching and training in both the public and private sector, including the NHS, Hampshire Police, Chichester District Council Rolls Royce, Berkeley Homes, Wells Fargo, and local schools. We are passionate about enabling women to be proactive at managing their menopausal symptoms and we are happy to provide support and advice for workplaces who are keen to engage with the issues faced by women during the menopause.

*Menopause and the Workplace - House of Commons Committee Report

How can we help you?

We don’t offer a one size fits all approach and work with each organisation to build a package of support.

Team or group menopause workshops

We can run in-person or remote workshops (on MS Teams or Zoom) for everything from a handful of employees to a large group.

These workshops will be delivered by one of our menopause specialist doctors and we aim to demystify the menopause and normalise the conversation around it. They help to educate your whole workforce, and not just those going through menopause.

Typically they are delivered as a 60-90 minute workshop including time for a Q&A.

Private Menopause Consultations

We can also offer private one-to-one consultations to your employees.

These will be delivered by one of our menopause specialist doctors, last 60 minutes and can be in person (depending on where you are based) by video, or telephone call.

The consultation involves a comprehensive assessment of their symptoms, medical history, and personal goals along with an introduction to how female hormones work, and what treatment options they have.

The doctor will explain the pros and cons of different types of hormone replacement therapy and most importantly they will have the time to discuss what matters to them, be given tailored advice, and agree a treatment plan.

Please get it touch via phone or email, to find out how we can help.